Star Family Connections

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Star Family Connections

Star Family

Recently I worked with a client, doing a starseed reading. I began to make a connection to some of the DNA codes, and Star families that the soul had woven into their being.

I beautiful feminine being appeared from the Vega star system, and began to act as a guide for me, to walk me through some of the clients galactic records.

She took me into the heavens and showed me many timelines and stories connected to the soul in session. As she started to show me some of her story, the client began to cry. She started to get washed over by waves of memories, and feelings of remembers ce for lost loved ones that her heart had been aching for but the veil had blocked from her mind.

The guide reminded her of a secret code word in light language that she was supposed to hear to help her awaken. And when she heard it, she screamed in tears of joy and excitement. Her body began to shake, and she was almost jumping out of her chair.

I saw many star family come to her and circle around her in loving support. Embracing her as she began to transform on an energetic level.

Often times, the first step to awakening on deeper levels, is allowing one’s self to open up energetically to the possibility of more. More remembrance, more connection, more open mindedness, more expansion, more to your story.

Dear Beloved HUE- Manity… I’m here to tell you there is more!!! Much much much more!!

You have not been allowed in your current paradigm, to see beyond the veil. But as we move towards our true divine nature, I can promise you, that the eternal journey back to source, is the most fantastic and rewarding treasure hunt of all time.

Every day that passes, I am shown MORE. And I am given the gift of connecting to the most crystal inter dimensional beings you can possibly imagine. YOU are part of this story! And each of you hold specific key 🔑 🔑🔑🔑 sets on your DNA to unlock pieces of the entire one story of all that is. The story in unfolding now. And those who are resonant are coming forward and bringing in their keys to help us collectively decode the mysteries to each of your soul stories. Each one precisely unique and glorious.

Spiritual Teacher & Psychic Medium

Copyright Ellen Redd (All Rights Reserved)

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