Lyran channeled Message 2024

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Lyran Downloads:
(Channeled by Ellen Redd )

Greetings starfleet of earth.

Many of you are becoming awakened to your galactic roots from the angelic realms beyond your perceived limitations.

We are the Lyran Councel. We are coming to you with warm reassurances as we continue to work on behalf of the liberation of HUmanity , Gaia and Tara as you walk into the extraordinary saga unfolding on your planet.

The crystal river light code sequences that we have been bringing to you from the higher dimensions are coded with information that can only be received by those with the frequency to match the high level light encoded language. This is one of the ways that we are able to communicate with some of the people on your planet. Much like your military personnel use Morse code to pass messages along, we pass them through light codes on which reach some of your more advanced specimens on the planet, who can then translate those messages and share the information. We ask the light beings and guardians on Gaia to be cryptic now on some of your language as the time has come that many events will soon unfold. Don’t make yourself a target as this will not help the others. We call this keylintoc science . Your earth has only begun to learn of such things. But once upon a time, it was part of your reality. You have been stripped of your crowns 👑, of your inheritance as a son and daughter of the almighty prime source creator (Elohim) , and of your own right to live a spiritually peaceful life on earth.

We, the Lyran – Elohim collective, have been through a similar struggle. We regret that we did not win that war in Lyra. The battle happened millions and millions of years ago. We have been working to correct these timelines ever since.

HUmanity. You must hear us now. There is no more time for you to be passive or blindly unaware of the dangers at your doorstep. (We do not say this to bring fear , but rather to raise awareness). There is no more time to disassociate and run into the clouds and sing songs of joy. This time now requires your attention. For if you don’t take steps to secure your own future freedoms, you won’t have them. We know this, because we have already lost our own planet, and we are watching you loose yours. However…. We do see the extraordinary collective of freedom fighters, galactic wayshowers and Indigo souls performing miraculous changes on your earth.

We want to share with you some guidance now, that we feel may assist you.

✨We reccomend now that you take care of your loose ends with all your business dealings:

✨we always reccomend a survival kit and backup plan for survival .

✨some of you are in poor health. We reccomend that you join woth others who are stronger and have more stamina’s and that you hold onto each other as a support system.

✨we reccomend you do some fasting and some physical training.

✨we want to inform you that 2024 on earth timeline will be a bit of turmoil as the monsters of chaos ones are planning many ways to distract you so you won’t be able to stop them from taking over. You must not allow the emotions of the unfolding events to deter you from focusing on what they are trying to pull over.

Beloved HUmanity. You are the stars of this I finding movie on earth. It is you who must remember your sovereignty codes and resist the dark plans to take your power from you.

The events are reaching a most climactic timeline now. So you need to be strong both physically , mentally and emotionally.

When you feel overwhelmed, get OFF social media for a day or two or more. Don’t engage until you have rested your spirit.

We wish to empower you with remembrance of your eternal design. Woth truth of your RIGHT to live freely on the earth, and with our love as we forget stand with you in ensuring the freedom for all beings to live in the Kryst codes of love that were set forth my the creator of all that is.

Wrap up the details of your business, then get to training. Physically and mentally because this year is going to need you strong and feisty (the Lyran guides laughed and showed me their claws) .

We are one soul. We are with you. ✨✨✨

Blessed be

Channeled by Ellen Redd
Ambassador of the Guardian Aliance

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